
A Dane lost in Texas with a passion for technology.
I’m in an endless pursuit of building software right and leave no zombies behind.  The posts, comments, and examples on this site are my personal views and opinions.  They do not represent company statements of my current or previous employers.

Email: torben.pedersen@outlook.com
Twitter: @torbentx

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello, I have just downloaded your app on Windows store..I got message, that app is installed, but by pressing the “open” button, app will not open. I have installed Windows 10. Do I make something wrong? best regards, barbara

    • Hi Barbara, apologies in the delayed response. Based on your description, I don’t believe you have done anything wrong. I unfortunately have a race condition that has had trouble opening the application and I’m in the process of creating an updated version for Windows 10. I would suggest try an uninstall and reinstall to see if it fixes it. Otherwise, I hope the Windows 10 version will have resolved the issue.


  2. I used Bookqueue and it worked up until this last Windows update. I now have Bookqueue II and it pops up an error saying I’m submitting requests too quickly, but have searched only once. Possibly an error with the new Windows update?? I uninstalled and reinstalled, no success. Thanks!

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