Bookqueue and Bookqueue II provide an “Export to File” feature that creates a comma separated file of all your queued books. This feature is convenient if you wish to have an offline backup or need to transfer your books to a different application. The following steps illustrate how to use the “Export to File” feature.
Windows 10 & Windows 10 Mobile
Step 1) Select the hamburger menu in the top-left corner of the application
Step 2) Select the “Settings” menu item
Step 3) Select the “Export to File” button
Step 4) Select “Save” in the Save As dialog
Step 5) Select “OK” at the Export Confirmation dialog
Step 6) Open the “Bookqueue.csv” file in Excel, Notepad, or equivalent to view your book list
Step 1) Select the hamburger menu in the top-left corner of the application
Step 2) Select the “Settings” menu item
Step 3) Select the “Export to File” button
Step 4) Select “Save” in the Save As dialog
Step 5) Select “OK” at the Export Confirmation dialog
Step 7) Use “My Files” or equivalent to browse device files
Step 7) Browse to the export location (Internal storage > Download) and select “Bookqueue.csv” file
Step 8) Bookqueue.csv file will open in Excel (if installed) to view your book list
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